Entry #1 If I didn’t care what people thought I would….
Entry #2 “Music is the language of the spirit” - Kahil Gibran, watched Madihi Bhati’s Mu(sick) respond to video - what is her perspective of rap/hip hop music? Why does she choose the Kahil Gibran quote?
Entry #3 What is your current perspective of America?
Entry #4 What is Matthew Dickman’s "Country Music perspective of America? Sharon Olds “Topography"
Entry #5 what is the American Dream?
Entry #6 As the moon…
Entry #7 What information from Part 1 of Eyes on the Prize was surprising to you? What didn’t you know about this time in history?
Entry#8 What didn’t you know about the integration of schools in Little Rock Arkansas?
Entry #9 What is your dream?
Entry# 10 Where does your road lead?
Entry #11 Choose one of the characters that has a challenge or a problem you can identify with. Who is the character and what is the problem? What do you see as the possible outcomes or solutions to these problems?
Entry #12 Thinking about the scene with the rat, what effect does it have on different characters? What does this scene reveal about these characters and their struggles? P. 59
Entry #13 After the scene where Asagai is introduced, how would you compare him to George Murchison? Which would be a better fit for Beneatha? Why?
Entry #14 Shapes like stars
Entry #15 Write a piece inspired from one of Sam Shepard's lines (in class readings)
Entry #16 Write about ashes
Entry #17 What stood out for you from the performance of the Sam Shepard material on Tuesday Oct 7th?
Entry #18 In Act II scene II, Beneatha says, “there are two things (black Americans) have got to overcome, one is the Klu Klux Klan – and the other is Mrs Johnson” What does she mean?
Entry #19 What is a dream deferred? Have you ever experienced this? What was your reaction?
Entry #20 discuss how Langston Hughes’ “A Dream Deferred” ties into A Raisin in the Sun. Does the dream explode? If so, how? Explain in regards to the family and in regards to African Americans in the 1950’s and 1960’s.
Entry #21 What is your religious/spiritual foundation or belief? Where do your beliefs come from?
· Entry #22 How does your belief connect you to
the American Dream?
Entry #23 Write about the full moon
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